This building was built in 1999 for Tony Webb. The only heating is by way of passive solar & a wood stove which is used for a few hours a day during the winter cold cloudy days. Over 90% of the timber was locally sourced & the only mainternce has been one coate on the widows & walls using breathable paint. The walls are 150mm thick with Isoflox recyled paper insulaton ( from Germany) inbetween studs. Externally are 150mm X 22mm treated sawn timber boards onto 45mm X22mm treated sawn battens, onto breather membrane, onto 11mm OSB 8'X 4' sheeting, onto studs. Internally 12mm 8'X1.2M plasterboard onto vapour check onto studs. Window & doors have coated aluminum flasing top & bottom.
Footings are 12 No concrete pipes onto at least 600mm X 600mm X 300mm thick conceret pads with steel reinfocing in pad & up into pipe. 3 no timber beams each with 3 laminations fixed togerther with glue & screws with 4 No threaded bars through beams sitting down into pipes. Beams are held tight in place by selected timber joists & rope torniquet & when correct pipes are filled with concrete, fixing them together with the pads.
Roof is warm roof construction were at least half the insulation is above the rafters. 11mm OSB grade 3 is applied onto the rafters with rigid insulation next held with conter battens with long screws going through counter battens insulation & OSB into rafters at least 50mm.
Membrane & treated 22mm X 45mm battens were then fixed to conter battens. The slates were natural spanish & fixed to the roof with sainless steel hook nails. At the front where the roof windows were to be, plastic was used as a tempory barrier untill the windows were fitted before the slating.
South aspect of building with deck which was added later by owner. This project took place before Green Garden Rooms Ireland arrived. It was a self build set up, with the owner providing materails & helping out on site & employing the work force direct. A wet room was fitted & some alteration to the first floor were completed a few years later. The property has never had any issues with rodents or mould & is completely radon gas free.
This workshop/office was built in 2002 for Jose & Alison near to Sikkbereen.
It was based on the selfbuild Walter Seagul method. The basic skeleton was salvaged from a selfbuild demo, the only main divergence is the external treated Larch boarding, which would have been exterior ply with joins covered with battens. The inside was lined with shuttering ply, which was coated with fire retartant paint, it would have been plasterboard with battens on joins. The insulation was sheeps wool & hemp. It has a flat turff roof, which is a warm roof structure. The windows are locally made with flashings top & bottom & the roof has them around the edge with the front lower one set different to allow water to run into the guttering, they are stainless steel. The footings were pad at back & where ground droped at the front filled concrete pipes were used to make up height.
The Showroom was the second buliding for Jose & Alison, built 2006.
Same method as before, but the winodws were Fakro roof windows the flashings for the roof & double doors were aluminium, the external boarding treated Sika spruce.
The footings like above were pad footings. A142 mesh was set into the concrete along with a heavy duty wall plate strap cast in the correct place to be fixed, with screws, to the timber leg when once the frames are erected. The straps have to be placed as accurately as possible, so they fit well to the inside surface of the leg, keeping away from the weather. The leg sits on a lead DPC to prevent moisture form being soaked up into the end grain. Reinforcing rod can be driven at 45dregs into the ground, coming up into the concrete to help pin building to the ground.
The avantage of the Walter Seagul method is that once the skeleton is built the roof can be covered & give protection form the weather. So once the walls are built & covered with the external breather work can continue inside & out. The drawing for this project were done by me.
Inside vapour check & Sasmox sheeting go up after the insulation in the floor is fitted & the sub floor surface is put down. Outside the windows are fitted & the flashings go on, after the boards below the windows are fixed. The tile roof window flashings go very well with the boarding & make a very good weather proof union.
The insulation here in the walls & roof is Ecocel, which is the same as Isflox from Germany, but is made now in Cork. It was installed form the outside, making it easy to see filling is void free.
Finishing inside involed the client filling joins & screw heads, sanding & painting. A floating floor was fitted to complete the inside.
This extension was built in 2010 again for Jose & Alison
Built onto strip footings with a storage void below & comprised of a sitting room & utility room. Walls differ from previous showroom in that the insulation was Rockwool, the windows were locally made & the internal surface was plasterboard & skim.
The drawings for this project were done by Tony Cohu
This conversion from a glass house to a flat turff roof extension was near Dunmanway & a selfbuild in 20011
The glass house was too hot in summer & very cold in winter. So changing it to Green Garden Rooms Ireland extension was a big improvement.
The walls, roof & floor were insulated with raw sheeps wool. The boarding outside was horizontal treated shiplap & the windows were like the showroom Fakro roof winodows. The drawing for this project were done by me.
The decking was existing & it was possible to move it out enough to make room to work on extension. Afterwards the decking was moved back.
This cabin was another self build in 2011 near Ballinspittle
The differences were, insulation was recyceled plastic much like glass fire but nicer to use, windows & doors were treble glazed from Muster Joinery & the footings were 2oomm slab with the straps cast into it & fixed to the legs.
Again like the showroom it was based on the Walter Seagul principle for the skeleton. The decking was added later by the owner. The drawing for this project were done by me.